Compliverse Wiki

Mortornus (plural Mortorni) is the Dead Ash Complien. It belongs to the Spectral Element. It grows into Mortvitam.


Mortornus is a Complien with an ashy face, and glowing, golden eyes. Protruding from the top of its head is a long, dim purple hood with a golden trim with a lantern held at the end. A black scarf separates their head from their body, with a skull-shaped ornament square in the middle. Their body consists of a purple cape with a golden trim at the end, three circular ribs suspended by a spine, and a black and yellow skirt.

Obscured by their hood and scarf are their three horns, and their several sharp teeth. It is believed the sharp teeth is primarily just to scare away Compliens that get too close, as Mortorni primarily feed on detritus.


Wherever desolation is, a swarm of Mortorni follow. Born from the ashes of places in ruin, Mortorni are shy spectres that primarily hide from any Complien that gets too close, including others of their own species. During the day, Mortorni are rarely ever seen, but during the night, they haunt graveyards, burnt houses, or any other areas that are separated from society. Mortorni keep their distance from others, even only communicating to others by means of flickering their lantern. It is believed Mortorni are rare Compliens, as they are hardly ever seen, though some suggest they may be more common, and they oftentimes are just hiding.

Under their scarf, Mortorni have several rows of sharp teeth. When anything gets too close, often these teeth end up exposed, and Mortorni will let out a shrill screech before fleeing elsewhere. The screeches they unleash are the only noises Mortorni ever make. A Mortornus's teeth, however, are not used for predation, as Mortorni are only ever known to feed on ashes, dust, and any other detritus that they can filter through their skin. Mortorni are averse to combat, and usually flee when anything gets close. That being said, their grown form, Mortvitam, is known to be much more aggressive.


Since the conditions under which Mortorni appear can occur anywhere, they are scattered sporadically throughout Complanet. However, nations which have faced more desolation, particularly Commukain, Tusnil, and Ublington have Mortorni in the highest concentration.



Mortornus grows into Mortvitam.


See all the fusions for Mortornus here.


Some insights on Mortornus's origins.


Its name is derived from the Latin words for "Dead Ash."


Mortornus is likely designed as a generic spectre, possibly being inspired by imagery of the Grim Reaper.

